Have to say my family definitely get this record the moments bit because I heard my hubby saying as the ambulance officers were carrying me out to the ambulance that Jo would probably want this photographed - do you think I should get her camera!!! Well he was partly right, certainly the 1st stage which was me sprawled naked in bottom of said shower would not have been welcome....but the ambulance bit would have been okay.....
Any way I can look back now and laugh...its wasn't so funny at the time as I thought I had broken my leg.
I was forced to stay home for a week but was unable to use any of this time for scrapbooking purposes as I had a nasty trauma to my hamstring & just below my bottom - which meant I couldn't sit for the week I had at home, had to lie propped up on one arm....this meant I couldn't scrap.....darn it all.... Anyway long excuse over, I am just about right and have a new respect for those non-slip rubber mats you are meant to have in the bottom of the shower!
So onto some scrapbooking news......thought I had better post a few layouts as a catch up...
Sneak pics of layouts that I had posted in July are now well and truly up at Lime Tart so here they are:
was by Winnie the Pooh...so perfect for this photograph.....don't get to use pink very often with mainly scrapping my boy...but I think I got away with it with using the black cardstock and ledger paper!!!
The kits had a great set of mini quote notes in it....so designed this mini album around the rest of them called "Quotes to live by"
Taylor and his great mate and cousin Michael having a great laugh together
My favourite photo of Taylor as a baby asleep in his cot so "Dream Little Angel" seemed like a great title for this page!!!
Great quote about friendship....so used a photo of my scrap buddies at a weekend away.
Using the August kit I finally scrapped the first of our photos from our Aussie holiday.....Taylor with his Super Hero mates.....so the title is "When I grow up I want to be a Super Hero!!!"
Finally....I'll leave you with some work I've recently done for Fiskars for the August challenge which was using paint...
A layout showing the beautiful sunsets we get at "Our Happy Place" - our summer holiday spot - Kawa Kawa Bay.....its feels great to have a bit of sunshine today and feel that those summer days might not be too far away....
So thats the end of a long post from me and I won't leave it so long between posts again!!!
OMG Jo - that must have been some fall then. Glad you can laugh about it now though. Very funny about the camera. Love your mini book and great to see some of your layouts again.
Ouch! Hope you had lots of kind people to care for you, give you flowers, feed you chocolate ... all the important things! A ride in an ambulance ... that is something you'd want pictures of so you can scrap.
Beautiful layouts there too.
I must apologise for laughing when you told me this story Jo, but by that time I knew you were ok. you are such a great storyteller. Maybe take a photo of the new shower mat to record this "incident" hehehe
Loved seeing your album in real life and its great to see some of the layouts on your blog to drool over whenever I like.
Oh my goodness Jo! Hope you're on the mend.
Goodness Jo - what a thing to happen! My husband would say they'd need a block and tackle to lift me up should I ever fall
Ouch all right! Hope you are well on the mend now...up for coffee from the 20th/21st as I will be in palmy then.
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